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' Skyscraper ' , Symbols Return Demi Lovato After Rehabilitation

Destroyed , it may be the right expression when Demi Lovato had to give up his career when it was uphill in order to undergo treatment at a rehabilitation center . At that time , Demi had suffered from depression until bullimia .

Demi previously been severely bullied at school so it makes depression . Not only that , the girl born in 1992 suffered bullimia , often wrenching his hands . The news was first heard when circulating pictures of him with cuts on the wrist .

Feeling in need of help , at the age of 18 , Demi Lovato decided to cancel international tour with the Jonas Brothers to undergo rehabilitation .

"By deciding to be responsible with his actions and seek help . Sorry he could not finish his tour , but he did not wait to get back to work , " according to a statement delivered through a spokesman .

His single titled ' Skyscraper ' tells the story of someone who has been destroyed, but managed to bounce back , stronger than ever . Demi admitted to record the song when he was in a state of depression .

" I destroy ( song ) by destroying it after every meal ( bullimia ) , " For the sake of the record I was one year before rehebilitasi song . However, after treatment , the actress who played in ' Camp Rock ' is back into the recording studio to redo the song.

skyscraper demi levanto

Are Demi Lovato finally released a version that has been re-recorded ?

" It's not the same , so we released the original version . For me it is very symbolic , the song is a song recorded before treatment and at the same time have a message , " he explained in an interview .

' Skyscraper ' later became a symbol that could represent what is to be conveyed by Demi . The song that won numerous music awards it represents a revival of Demi Lovato after facing issues that must be faced .

" Video clip of the song is the delivery of emotion for me , like therapy . Unremitting I cried , I was really very emotional . That's when I realized the purpose of the video, " he concluded

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